Monday, November 29, 2010

One Day ( comments by me) + details of Local Hero

I loved this ep!!! If you didn't watch it yet, you can by clicing in "watch episodes online."
At first I thought Joe was crazy, in the part when he shouted to Ty. I also think Ty was pressureing  Joe without knowing , I know, I know he owed him a lot, but he helped him A LOT  when he tryied to scape. There we can say he doesn't owe him anything.

About Local Hero, the ep, it will be aired on the 5th of December right before the christmas movie. This Sunday, we will be able to watch the ep Homecomeing, first ep of season 4. hope u enjoy!!
I won't be able to post the episodes before they air on CBC. I don't have the permission to post them before. Generally, I post them 1 or 2 days after they air. ASAP

Friday, November 19, 2010

One Day

hi guys!! One Day's comeing up this Sunday!!! ( In Canada) 
For those of you who would be able to watch the episodes on CBC, don't worry, I'm gonna put them here in on Tuesday, the sooner the better.
Here goes the description:
When Amy is hired to do a horse clinic with a group of inmates, Ty is surprised to discover one of them is a friend from his bad old days at the group home.

I have something really inportant to say.... I just got a twitter account!!!
I'm sooo happy!!! Follow me!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


you will be able to watch the episodes when you clic in  or here: (clic the option ''watch episodes online'')

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

HEARTLAND CONTEST WINNER! (and some detalis about the 6th episode) you may now, The 6th of November was the last day to participate in the heartland contest. I read all your phrases, but the one I think is the best one is the  Ambersoccerforward's  one.
It was really good. ''The show with the perfect balance of symathy and empathy. Healing horses, people, and relationships one step at a time.''
Thank you all guys for participating. As I said, the winner will win  a desktop backround, so Ambersoccerforward , I send you a message in you tube, if you wanna recieve it then reply.easy!!

About the 6th ep.... I'm trying to get it but....... I guess this are some bad news......theres a big posibility that I stop uploading. I really love: uploading for you, answer your e-mails, haveing a you tube account ( with thousands of visits but I still have to keep my feets in the ground).  These last weeks had been awensome to me, but unfortunately theres always gonna be an end. otherways, my computer will die.. :(  
(I'll keep on posting on this blog.)

BHF (big heartland fan) serious..really big!
